Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment

A significant mass of a person falls on the lower back, and when the load is lifted, twisted, from a long static position, additional stress is created in it. Excessive load, the wrong way of life constantly leads to the degradation of the musculoskeletal system: the vertebrae and the discs between them, which function as shock absorbers. From now on, it is worth looking for information about osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment. Why does spinal joint degradation occur?

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

The breakdown of the musculoskeletal system occurs as follows: the natural shock absorber of the spine loses elasticity, shrinks, expands beyond its natural limits, further increases the pressure from other vertebrae, organs, ligaments. Describe to us those who are prone to acquiring such pathology. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine can be observed in humans:

  • Whose early generations suffered from similar troubles;
  • Have hormonal disorders;
  • Individual predisposition to the development of such diseases (for example, congenital structure of the spine);
  • Those who neglect proper nutrition. On the table every day a person should get a balanced diet with healthy fats, vitamins, proteins;
  • Those who have an inactive job: sit for a long time or stand in one place for a long time;
  • Experience a sharp and heavy load on the spine, for example: weightlifters, loaders, people during garden work;
  • Diseases of digestion, metabolism, pelvic organs;
  • Traumatized (pulled too hard on back, hit sideways, dropped, bent)
  • turned 30;
  • Diabetes.

If there are signs of lumbar osteochondrosis, which are described below, some habits should be avoided:

  • tilting;
  • dim;
  • take a bent pose for a long time;
  • scroll a little;
  • drink alcohol;
  • sit without taking breaks from work;
  • don't dress for the weather, let your body cool down.

Important. All ligament disorders are exacerbated by the presence of excess weight. With excess weight, the load on the lower part of the body increases, and the lumbar part, overgrown with fat, is heavily massaged.

Stages of the disease course, its signs


Initially, there are periodic mild pains that intensify with physical exertion. This discomfort suggests that it is time to pay attention to osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Right now, the intervertebral discs (the spinal disc is the canal through which the spinal cord and the fibrous ring around it) collapse. Further, the distance between the vertebrae decreases, the nerves tighten. The pain becomes strong, it affects not only the back, but also the hips, gluteal muscles. In the third phase, the fibrous rings are destroyed, which leads to the formation of a herniated spine, irreversible bending and constant pain. The fourth stage leads to disability. A special classification of lumbar osteochondrosis includes:

  1. pain;
  2. ischemic syndrome;
  3. radicular syndrome;
  4. vertebral syndrome;
  5. ossification of overgrown tissues.

Feelings of pain have varying degrees and character of severity: lumbago, for example, is called lumbago; constant, aggravated by stress, lumbodinia; The spread along the lower parts of the body is called lumboischialgia. In case the back diseases are not resolved, the vertebrae get too free movement in the spinal column. There is a compression of the nerve roots when lifting loads and sudden actions, then the pain in the lower back passes but passes to other parts of the body, for which the nerves are responsible. Unconsciously, we change position, adjusting so that there is less back pain, but this inevitably changes the gait and bending of the spine. All of this refers to radicular syndrome, which begins as an irritation and then becomes inflammatory. Signs of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine with radicular syndrome:

  • Excessive fatigue in the back muscles;
  • change last curve;
  • gait changes;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • pain in one or both legs;
  • strong pain;
  • temporary loss of sensation in the legs;
  • periodically long imprisonment;
  • men have problems with excitability;
  • menstrual irregularities in women;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • blood stagnation.

You may notice that painful feelings occur during breaks, and when you do back exercises, they calm down. Already at this stage it is worth looking for a doctor: chiropractor, surgeon, neurologist, traumatologist (since the causes of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine include trauma). If you let the disease go its course, the problem will increase, complemented by different companions:

  1. hot;
  2. numbness;
  3. sweating;
  4. tingles;
  5. anger;
  6. goose;
  7. impotence;
  8. intestinal colic.

The back muscles lose tone, and this leads to a general loss of human motor functions. With a particularly dangerous course of radicular syndrome, paralysis will occur. Ischemic syndrome is associated with radicular. At first the squeezing of the bloodstream is occasional, but then such squeezing leads to cramps. You may notice them during normal walking - you walk in pain, if you stop, it doesn’t hurt you. The main degradation occurs from the inside and is not visible to the naked eye - the bloodstream does not provide all the pelvic organs with the necessary supply. There may be pain in the buttocks, thighs, and then there may be paralysis of the gluteal muscles. Vertebral syndrome involves a change in the skeleton, the blood vessels themselves.

Important. The symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis in women are inextricably linked to the hormonal background, the physiological characteristics of the body. The appearance of pain, improper posture is affected by wearing inappropriate shoes: on too hard or too soft soles; heel too high or too low.

Diagnosis of the stage of the disease

Diagnosis of the stage of the disease

Even a doctor can find it very difficult to classify and name the stage of the disease during an external examination. Initially, a neurologist can diagnose:

  1. persistent curvature of the spine;
  2. pain on touching;
  3. decreased gait;
  4. gluteal zone asymmetry;
  5. change of Michaelis diamond.

But the most accurate diagnosis can only be made with the results:

  1. computed tomography (CT). The most optimal option for determining the degree of disease development, which enables the assessment of the degree of degradation of the spinal column.
  2. X-ray imaging. According to them, it is possible to establish the presence of the disease, but it is not always possible to determine the degree of development of damage to nerve fibers and blood vessels.
  3. magnetic resonance imaging. Quite a long (half an hour to an hour), expensive procedure, which additionally provides the most complete details of what happens to nerve roots and blood vessels.

So, the doctor can finally judge the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment only on the basis of the results of the research of the apparatus. Low back pain, which is not associated with an intervertebral disc violation, is caused by colds, cold in the kidneys, menstrual cycle, or back pain.

Important. CT, X-ray examinations are unacceptable for pregnant women. CT is not safe for: 1) children under 14 years of age; 2) people with iodine allergy.

Medical treatment

The causes of the disease, its characteristics are discussed above, we now turn to another point of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment. The longer you ignore the body’s signals, the faster the disease will go on. The farther from the start, the more medications and procedures will have to be applied. Treatment goals:

  1. identify, remove the causes of constriction of roots, blood vessels of the spine;
  2. restore skin sensitivity;
  3. to prevent further development of pathology;
  4. initiate bodily processes for self-healing;
  5. strengthening a person's muscle tone;
  6. restore the function of the internal organs of the small pelvis;
  7. restore the normal flow of the lumbar vertebrae.

If you feel any discomfort, talk to your doctor. The first thing you need to do at the first symptoms is to pay attention to: the bed (a wide selection of orthopedic mattresses that must be chosen individually), a pillow (it may not suit your size or softness), position during sleep, motor activity. At home, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine can be treated only with the help of a bed without a doctor's examination. Therefore, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. In the remission phase and the acute phase of the disease, various medications are taken. In the last phase, medications are used to relieve pain, relieve nerves from spinal mites and eliminate inflammation. Prescribe: - blockades; - glucocorticoids; - chondroprotectors; - myo-laxatives; - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Treatment through medical facilities

The last group of drugs, in addition to relieving pain, fights against fever, edema, inflammation. Such means can be: rectal, for internal use, injections, external. Treatment of lumbar spine osteochondrosis usually begins with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Piroxicam; Ibuppofen; Himeculid; Hapoxy;
  • deketoprofen;
  • Meloxicam; Aceclofenac.

Anti-inflammatory drugs on this list are various ointments, tablets, gels. Some NSAID tablets are contraindicated for those suffering from ulcers or gastritis. Muscle relaxants alleviate joint stiffness and involuntary contractions of the back muscles by temporarily reducing muscle tone. This group of drugs includes tizanidine, tolperisone hydrochloride. When there is an opportunity to save the intervertebral disc, chondroprotectors are prescribed, which should serve to restore the fibrosis of the annular ring. The course of taking such a group of drugs is very long - at least 1, 5 months, and the results can be seen only after a year. They try to avoid the appointment of glucocorticoids, because they have side effects, because this group of drugs belongs to steroid hormones. They must be taken under the supervision of a doctor in compliance with all regulations, because only a specialist knows how to cure lumbar osteochondrosis. An example of such a drug is hydrocortisone. Blockades are not drugs in themselves, but they are a powerful local pain reliever. The technique is as follows: introducing an injectable pain reliever (IO) or a combination of IO with a glucocorticoid drug into the pain area. Blockades do not have healing properties, but they can cause addiction, which will lead to a loss of sensitivity to these drugs. If injected frequently, the muscles around the injection may atrophy. Therefore, when this method of treatment reduces acute pain, the patient is prescribed medications that are designed to restore damaged tissues, blood flow and help improve muscle and nerve fiber tone. This:

  1. Chondroprotectors, which generally have a strengthening effect on bone tissue, normalize the metabolism of cartilage tissues.
  2. Vitamins that help restore nerve patency.
  3. Biogenic preparations that encourage the body to heal itself;
  4. Vascular drugs that dilute the blood to improve the nutrition of the internal organs.

During treatment, in addition to the main drug intake, antidepressants are prescribed. Here's how to treat lumbar osteochondrosis while reducing acute pain:

  1. apply warming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory external agents;
  2. do special back exercises;
  3. go for a massage;
  4. lead a gentle lifestyle for the back;
  5. wear a belt corset during exercise.

Massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and alternative treatments.


Comparatively cheap, effective methods of combating shock absorber degradation are physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapy. A real massage can only be done by a specialist with a medical education, so a regular visit to beauty salons is not suitable for patients. Each stage of the disease requires different pressure and technique. With proper therapy, muscle spasm disappears, the muscular frame of the back becomes stronger and the pain gradually disappears. Physiotherapy is applicable only in the process of weakening painful processes or when they do not exist (to maintain the mobility of the spine). Gymnastics is chosen individually, based on age, condition of the person, stage of disease development. The productivity of therapeutic exercises directly depends on the quality of performance and frequency: they must be done systematically. It is recommended to rest at home, lie on your back, bend your legs, put a small roller under your lower back. The healing process is monitored with the help of X-ray and tomographic examinations. Physiotherapy treatments are prescribed during remission and worsening. Methods such as:

  1. acupuncture. An ancient method of treating pain, based on the stimulation of acupuncture points with fine needles. The procedure relieves cramps, reduces pain, completely removes it, reduces tissue edema;
  2. ultraviolet radiation, which stimulates the body to absorb calcium;
  3. ampilpus, named from the corresponding device. The treatment procedure is as follows: the plates of the apparatus are fixed on the back, and the corresponding therapeutic current with different parameters flows through the plates;
  4. laser therapy. Laser beams relieve pain, heal, stop inflammation in the lumbar spine;
  5. darsonvalization. The method is designed to improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, stimulate nerve endings;
  6. phonophoresis treats with ultrasound, stimulating blood flow in the muscular part of the back region.

Each method has its own contraindications. It’s harder with traditional medicine. Official medicine does not recognize that midwives know how to treat lumbar osteochondrosis. Therefore, if a friend advises you to put compresses made of burdock broth, take pine baths, consult your doctor. Methods such as hirudotherapy are used to relieve pain, but leeches are hidden behind this name, so doctors advise that this method of treatment be approached with caution.

Surgical troubleshooting

In some cases it is no longer possible without surgery. With advanced intervertebral hernia, neurosurgeons use microdiscectomy. The operation removes the damaged disk. If there are no contraindications, then doctors can perform nucleoplasty, which has a number of advantages:

  1. Does not require cuts;
  2. The operation takes up to 30 minutes;
  3. There are no restrictions as for surgical procedures.

Important. To maintain the mobility of the spine, strengthen the back muscles, yoga, swimming, Pilates are recommended. Running produces a shock load on the vertebrae, so at the first signs of pain in the lower back, running should be abandoned.